Tuesday 20 January 2015

Burn Calories at work

There is alot to be said about the ability to be able to stand up at your desk when working.In my experience with years of working as a make up artist, I have always stood, and as long as I can get my model at the right height to avoid stooping I have had no posture issues, though perhaps aching feet after making up 20 models for a fashion show. Now I am spending more and more time working on Nutrition plans I find myself sat at a computer. I find my neck hurts and if I didn't take regular breaks and exercise I would become stiff and sluggish. If you have a height adjustable or sit/stand desk then I would suggest you use it. Standing, as long as you are working at the correct height will help with posture, and as a healthy eating/weight  ambassador I would encourage you to stand whenever possible, it will help to burn calories and can also help to regulate your glucose levels.

 Prolonged sitting has been linked to problems with glucose control, and also a sharp reduction in the activity 
of lipoprotein lipase, this enzyme breaks down blood fats 
and makes them into a fuel for the muscles. This reduction in enzyme activity leads to raised levels of fats in the blood, increasing the risk of heart disease.
 Standing allows our bodies to have a more constant increase in muscle activity which will burn more calories and Simple constant movement helps us to keep our all-important blood sugar under control.

It is not possible for everyone to stand up at work but researchers believe that even small adjustments can help. Think about taking the stairs rather than the lift, deliver a message rather than email, stand while talking on the phone.Take regular breaks away from your chair and stretch your muscles whenever you can.

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