
Simple explanations' of popular diets

Clean Diet

The principles of the clean diet is to go back to basics and eat foods as close to their natural state as possible or Wholefoods. This is the principle I try to live by.(except I believe in allowing lots of rewards and treats- the almost clean diet) To follow the principle of Clean eating
is not a quick fix weight loss diet, but a healthy choice it will help you to become the correct weight when you incorporate exercise and sensible portions. Many Celebs follow this philosophy for eating
and their Clean diet gurus, but really Clean is just a word that means no processed foods.

Eat a wide-variety of whole, unrefined and unprocessed foods in a form that’s as close as possible to how the foods appear in nature
Avoid processed sugars, especially sugary beverages like fizzy drinks
Avoid saturated fat and trans fats, and instead substitute healthy, monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats
Always combine complex carbohydrates with lean protein and some healthy fats at every meal
Spread your food out over several smaller meals, consumed every 2-3 hours
Eat for maximum nutrient density. In other words, avoid “empty” calories found in fast food, fizzy drinks, snacks, cakes and cookies, and substitute in nutrient-dense snacks.
Pay attention to proper portions and practice portion control
Drink lots of water (at least 8 cups a day.)


The Atkins Diet is set up in four stages the Induction, the on going weight loss, the pre- maintenance
and lifetime maintenance.
The diet requires very low  carbohydrates intake, unlike others that restrict fats and sugars. The Atkins was known as the high protein diet and was popular in the early 90's and again a decade later.
It was also considered to cause bad breath.

The induction stage shows the biggest weight loss Carbohydrate intake is limited to less than 20 net grams per day (grams of carbohydrates minus grams of fiber, sugar alcohols, or glycerin); of this amount, 12 to 15 net grams must come in the form of salad greens and other vegetables such as broccoli, spinach, pumpkin, cauliflower, turnips, tomatoes, and asparagu. A total of 54 vegetables are allowed by Atkins The allowed foods include 4 to 6 ounces per meal of any meat, poultry, fish, shellfish, , egg; up to 4 ounces (113 g) of hard or semi-soft cheese  most salad; other low-carbohydrate vegetables; and butter and vegetable oils. Drinking eight glasses of water per day is a requirement during this phase. Alcohol are not allowed during Induction Caffeine is allowed in moderation so long as it does not cause cravings or low blood sugar.

Dukan diet

The Dukan diet is a low-carbohydrate (carb), high-protein diet. There's no limit to how much you can eat during the plan's four phases, provided you stick to the rules of the plan. During phase one, you're on a strict lean protein diet. This is based on a list of 72 reasonably low-fat protein-rich foods, such as chicken, turkey, eggs, fish and fat-free dairy. This is for an average of five days to achieve quick weight loss. Carbs are off limits, except for a small amount of oat bran. Unlike the Atkins diet, Dukan's phase one bans vegetables and seriously restricts fat. The next three phases of the plan see the gradual introduction of some fruit, veg and carbs, and eventually all foods. The aim is gradual weight loss of up to 2lb a week and to promote long-term weight management. There's no time limit to the final phase, which involves having a protein-only day once a week and taking regular exercise.

Pros:You can lose weight very quickly, which can be motivating. It's a very strict and prescriptive diet, which some people like. It's easy to follow, and you don't need to weigh food or count calories. Apart from keeping to low-fat, low-salt and high-protein foods, there's no restriction on how much you can eat during your first two weeks.

Cons:At the start of the diet, you may experience side effects such as bad breath, a dry mouth, tiredness, dizziness, insomnia and nausea from cutting out carbs. The lack of wholegrains, fruit and veg in the early stages of the diet could cause problems such as constipation.

Paleo diet

The paleo diet, also known as the caveman diet, was Google's most searched-for weight loss method in 2013. The diet consists of foods that can be hunted and fished – such as meat and seafood – and foods that can be gathered – such as eggs, nuts, seeds, fruits, vegetables, herbs and spices. It's a regime based on the supposed eating habits of our hunter-gatherer ancestors during the paleolithic era, before the development of agriculture around 10,000 years ago. That means cereal grains including wheat, dairy, refined sugar, potatoes and salt – as well as anything processed – are strictly off the menu. There is no official "paleo diet", but it is generally seen as a low-carb, high-protein diet, with some variations on carbohydrate and meat intake. Advocates say the paleo diet is a long-term healthy eating plan that can help you lose weight and reduce your risk of diabetes, heart disease, cancer and other health problems.Most studies on the paleo-type diet are small, and more long-term research is needed to show conclusively whether or not it is as effective as some people claim. One 2008 study suggested the paleo diet "could help reduce the risk of heart disease". However, several limitations in the study meant it was not possible to say whether the paleo diet was any more effective than any other low-calorie diets.

Pros:The paleo diet encourages you to eat less processed food and more fruit and vegetables. Reducing your consumption of high-calorie foods will reduce your calorie intake and help you lose weight. The diet is simple and doesn't involve calorie counting. Some plans go by the "80/20" rule, where you'll get 99% of the benefits of the paleo diet if you adhere to it 80% of the time. This flexibility can make the diet easier to stick to, so you are more likely to be successful.

Cons:There are no accurate records of the diet of our Stone Age ancestors, so the paleo diet is largely based on an educated guess, and its health claims lack scientific evidence. Most versions of the diet encourage large amounts of meat, which runs counter to current health advice on meat consumption. Many versions ban dairy products and wholegrains, which form part of a healthy, balanced diet. Like all high-protein diets, the paleo can be expensive, depending on your choice of meat cuts. It's impossible to follow without eating meat, seafood or eggs, so it's not one for vegetarians!.  

New Atkins diet

The Atkins diet promises to turn your body into a fat-burning machine. The theory is that by starving yourself of carbohydrates, your body will start burning fat for energy. New Atkins is similar to the old Atkins, except it allows a wider variety of foods to make it more nutritionally balanced. During the first two weeks of the diet, designed for rapid weight loss, you're on a protein-rich diet with no restrictions on fat and a daily carb allowance of just 20g. During the next three phases, the weight loss is likely to be more gradual and regular exercise is encouraged. More carbs are introduced to your diet – initially 5g and later 10g at a time – with the aim of working out what your ideal carb intake is to maintain a healthy weight for life. Phase one is designed to help you lose up to 15lb in two weeks, reducing to 2-3lb during phase two.

Pros:You can lose weight very quickly, which can be motivating. The diet also encourages people to cut out most processed carbs and alcohol. With its diet of red meat, butter, cream, cheese and mayonnaise, it's one of the diets that appeals most to men.

Cons:Initial side effects can include bad breath, a dry mouth, tiredness, dizziness, insomnia, nausea and constipation from cutting out carbs, and potential for lower fibre intake. The high intake of saturated fat may increase your risk of heart disease, and there are concerns about the recommendation to add salt.

Alkaline diet
The alkaline diet, whose celebrity fans reportedly include Gywneth Paltrow, Jennifer Aniston and Victoria Beckham, is based on the idea that modern diets cause our body to produce too much acid. The theory is that excess acid in the body is turned into fat, leading to weight gain. High acidity levels have also been blamed on conditions such as arthritis, osteoporosis, tiredness, and kidney and liver disorders.
The diet recommends cutting back on acid-producing foods such as meat, wheat and other grains, refined sugar, dairy products, caffeine, alcohol and processed foods in favour of "alkaline foods", which reduce the body's acidity levels. This translates into plenty of fruit and vegetables. The idea is that an alkaline diet helps maintain the body's acidity at healthy levels. There are different versions of the alkaline diet. Some followers adopt the "80/20 rule", consisting of a diet based on 80% fruit and veg and 20% grains and protein.
Originally developed to help prevent kidney stones and urine infections by using diet to adjust the acidity levels in the urine, there is little evidence to support the diet's more recent health claims. The weight loss observed among followers is more likely to be the result of eating plenty of fruit and vegetables and cutting down on sugar, alcohol and processed foods, which is standard healthy weight loss advice.
The diet contains plenty of good healthy eating advice, such as cutting down on meat, avoiding sugar, alcohol and processed foods, and eating more fruit and veg, nuts, seeds and legumes. This means you will be cutting out foods you may normally eat and replacing them with healthier choices, which will also reduce your calorie intake.
Your body regulates its acidity levels, regardless of diet. When cutting down on dairy products such as milk, cheese and yoghurt, you need to find other calcium substitutes, as cutting out an entire food group is never a good idea. Getting to grips with what you can and can't eat on the diet can be time consuming, particularly in the beginning.

Cambridge diet

The Cambridge Weight Plans are based around buying and eating a range of meal-replacement products with the promise of rapid weight loss. There are six flexible diet plans ranging from 415 calories to 1,500 calories or more a day, depending on your weight loss goal. There is also a long-term weight management programme. The bars, soups, porridges and shakes can be used as your sole source of nutrition or together with low-calorie regular meals. While on the programme, you receive advice and support on healthy eating and exercise from a Cambridge adviser.
Pros:Many people on very low calorie diets find the weight loss to be sudden and quite dramatic. The meal replacements are all nutritionally balanced, so you're likely to be getting all the vitamins and minerals you need, albeit not from real food.
Cons:Initial side effects can include bad breath, a dry mouth, tiredness, dizziness, insomnia, nausea and constipation from cutting down on carbs and fibre. The hardest part of the plan is sticking to it. Giving up normal meals and swapping them for a snack bar or a shake can be boring and feel socially isolating. This isn't a plan you can stick to in the long term.
More than 12 continuous weeks. If you are eating fewer than 600 calories a day, you should have medical supervision. 

South Beach Diet

The South Beach Diet is a low-GI diet originally developed for heart patients in the US. There's no calorie counting and no limits on portions. You're encouraged to eat three meals and two snacks a day, and follow an exercise plan. People who have more than 10lb to lose start with phase one. This is a two-week quick weight loss regime where you eat lean protein, including meat, fish and poultry, as well as some low-GI vegetables and unsaturated fats. Low-GI carbs are re-introduced during phases two and three, which encourage gradual and sustainable weight loss.
Pros:If you can avoid phase one and start on phase two, there are fewer dietary restrictions in the rest of the plan than some other popular diets. After phase one, the diet broadly follows the basic principles of healthy eating. No major food groups are eliminated and plenty of fruit, veg and low-GI carbs are recommended.
Cons:The severe dietary restrictions of phase one may leave you feeling weak and you will miss out on some vitamins, minerals and fibre. You may initially experience side effects such as bad breath, a dry mouth, tiredness, dizziness, insomnia, nausea and constipation.

Slimming World diet

Slimming World's weight loss plan encourages you to swap high-fat foods for low-fat foods that are naturally filling. You choose your food from a list of low-fat foods they call "Free Foods", such as fruit, vegetables, pasta, potatoes, rice, lean meat, fish and eggs, which you can eat in unlimited amounts. There's no calorie counting, no foods are banned, and you're still allowed the occasional treat. You can get support from fellow slimmers at weekly group meetings and follow an exercise plan to become gradually more active. The plan is designed to help you lose about 1-2lb a week.
Pros:No foods are banned, so meals offer balance and variety and are family-friendly. The portion size from each food group will vary depending on which plan you follow. The "Body Magic" booklet they provide gives ideas to help you raise your activity levels. Meeting as a group can provide valuable support.
Cons:Slimming World doesn't educate you about calories. Without learning about calories and portion sizes, you may struggle to keep the weight off in the long term when you come off the programme.

Slim-Fast diet

The Slim-Fast diet is a low-calorie meal replacement plan for people with a BMI of 25 and over. It uses Slim-Fast's range of products. The plan recommends three snacks a day from an extensive list, including crisps and chocolate, two meal replacement shakes or bars, and one regular meal taken from a list of recipes on the Slim-Fast website. You can stay on the diet for as long as you want, depending on your weight loss goal. Once reached, you're advised to have one meal replacement shake a day, up to two low-fat snacks and two healthy meals. The plan is designed to help you lose about 1-2lb a week and you can follow the diet for as long as you want.
Pros:Meal replacement diets can be effective at helping some people lose weight and keep it off. The plan is convenient, as the products take the guesswork out of portion control and calorie counting. No foods are forbidden, although you are encouraged to eat lean protein, fruit and vegetables.
Cons:On their own, meal replacement diets do little to educate people about their eating habits and change their behaviour. There's a risk of putting the weight back on again once you stop using the products. You may find it hard to get your 5 A DAY of fruit and veg without careful planning.

LighterLife diet

The LighterLife weight loss plans combine a very low-calorie meal replacement diet with weekly counselling. With LighterLife Total, for people with a BMI of 30 or more, you eat four food packs a day, consisting of shakes, soups, mousses or bars, and no conventional food. LighterLife Lite, for those with a BMI of 25-30, involves eating three food packs a day, plus one meal from a list of approved foods. You stay on the plans until you reach your target weight. The meal plans can lead to very rapid weight loss, and you're advised to see your GP before starting. How long you stay on the diet depends on how much weight you have to lose.
Pros:The counselling can help you understand your relationship with food, so hopefully you can make lasting changes to keep the weight off for good. With the meal replacements, there's no weighing or measuring, so it's a hassle-free approach to weight loss.
Cons:Initial side effects of the diet can include bad breath, a dry mouth, tiredness, dizziness, insomnia, nausea and constipation from cutting down on carbs and fibre. Surviving on a strict diet of shakes and soups and other meal replacements isn't much fun, and can feel socially isolating.

WeightWatchers diet

The WeightWatchers plan is based on the ProPoints system, which gives a value to foods and drink based on protein, carbs, fat and fibre content. It is essentially a calorie-controlled diet where you get a personal daily ProPoints allowance, which you can use how you like. There's no limit on the amount of fruit and most veg you can eat. You also get a weekly ProPoints safety net in case you go over your allowance, as well as an individual exercise plan. The weekly meetings and confidential weigh-ins provide support and extra motivation to encourage long-term behaviour change. The plan is designed to help you lose up to 2lb a week.
Pros:No foods are banned, so you can eat and drink what you want provided you stick to your points allowance. The ProPoints system is easier to follow for some than calorie counting, and less restrictive than other plans. This is because it introduces a safety net of points, which can be saved up for a special occasion, such as a night out, a small amount of alcohol or treats.
Cons:When you begin, working out the points system can be just as time consuming as simply counting calories. Some people feel pressured into purchasing WeightWatchers-branded foods.


Astronaut Diet named because it is similar to diets prescribed pilots to lose weight in no time. Provides very few calories (400-500 calories), so we recommend taking vitamins and minerals.
Duration: 2 to 3 days Kilos lost 3 kg
This is a becoming a popular diet, but it is too fast and not enough calorie content to sustain a healthy way of life.I do not recommend this diet.
Disadvantages Diet Astronaut:
You should drink two or more liters of water per day to avoid dehydration as
weight (water) is excreted in the urine. Without a controlled diet, lose the kilos you recover quickly. It’s the downside of these diets so fast, then you have to eat in moderation.
Advantage Diet Astronaut:
Only as emergency diet to lose some kilos.

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