At the moment I am very much using my blog to help me research for my Beauty Nutrition and Diet management and sharing with others is a great way to motivate me and hopefully giving you some useful info along the way.This one is mainly directed at us females although hormones play a big part in skin problems and weight issues for all. I have been looking into the Contraceptive pill and implants and foods that can help diffuse the problems that can occur.It seems that the Hormone Androgen is The main reason why acne arises around puberty as is made in larger amounts during this period. Androgen is primarily a male hormone but is produced in females and is a precursor for estrogen. Inflammatory and non-inflammatory acne can improve in girls and women who use the contraceptive pill as a form of birth control. The combination of Hormones can help relieve the symptons of Acne and certain pills are prescribed to reduce the effects of Acne. However certain combinations of Hormones can actually cause Acne and it best to discuss this with a GP to get the correct
combination for you. The other problem is you may get the correct combination for your skin but you put on lots of weight or vice versa. The medical profession say there is no link between the Pill and weight gain but we all know that this is not always the case. It can be said that certain Pills increase your appetite and this can cause weight gain as well as fluid retention, but it may be necessary to try a couple before you find the right combo. It is important to understand that sometimes the change within the body can cause problems that right themselves over a prolonged use, especially when using the implant, Nexplanon which contains etonogestrel which as with the pill comes with many possible side effects, but is also very positive for many who use it.
The pills that appear to reduce acne had ethinyl estradiol in them, combined with one of the following drugs: levonorgestrel, norethindrone, norgestimate, drospirenone, cyproterone acetate, chlormadinone acetate, dienogest or desogestrel.
so how can we naturally help prevent problems with skin and weight gain from our hormones Firstly, I would say it is important to keep our skin spotlessly clean and make sure any products we are using are not causing any irritation, as spots can occur from this also. Then avoid exstrinic sugars (any added or processed sugars) this will help skin and weight issues.
Then we need to reduce the amount of Androgens we produce and balance our hormones. Licorice is a good balancing herb
Eat plenty of essential fatty acids from
Omega 3 Fish Oil (5ml per day)
Evening Primrose Oil (5ml per day
Sunflower Seeds
Pumpkin Seed Grape Seed Oil
Extra Virgin Olive Oil

Nuts and Seeds
Coconut Oil
Natural Anti-Androgens
Green Tea Extract
Saw Palmetto
Soy Isoflavones
Beta Sitosterols
Alzelaic Acid
It is very important to make sure you are getting your vitamin and minerals to promote good
skin health the most significant being
Vitamin C
Vitamin B’s (especially Vitamin B6)
Vitamin A
I hope this of interest.
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