Having worked with so many faces and bodies over the years, skin and skincare is close to my heart.
Now as a nutrition adviser eating to promote great skin is a top priority.
I have obviously come across many different skin conditions over the years as a make up artist, beauty therapist and massage therapist and eczema is probably the most prevalent.
Eczema literally means "to boil over", which nicely describes the irritation and inflammation of the skin that eczema can cause.
Eczema is a condition that is often inherited and closely linked to hay fever and Asthma.
The condition can range from a minor irritation through to a debilitating reaction. Which can be triggered by many different things from food groups to cleaning products.
There is thought to be a transient deficiency in the immune system of
the gut during the first few months of life, when Atopic eczema often starts,
thus allowing food allergens to enter the blood. There are several types of Eczema. http://www.eczema.org/types-of-eczema.
One main characteristic of Eczema is very dry skin and the use of an Aqueous cream, emollients can be used as a soap, cleanser substitute. All perfume/chemical free and Lanolin free, which can cause an allergic reaction.
Certain lifestyles and food can exacerbate the condition of Eczema. So as with many of 21st Century life's growing problems like high Cholesterol or Diabetes, Eczema can be helped with how we live our life and what we eat. Promoting good Gut Flora is very beneficial for the skin.
Lifestyle Recommendations:
Identify any areas of stress in your life. Allow space for relaxation.
Start Pilates/yoga classes, breathing techniques etc. and even counseling or
employing a life-coach. Physical exercise promotes fitness, wellbeing.
Avoid any toxins that may exacerbate eczema symptoms, particularly the
chemicals in household cleaning products use non-bio washing powders and
bio-degradable cleaning fluids. House dust mite has been implicated in cases of
eczema and therefore hypo-allergenic bedding, dust filters and air filters may
be beneficial.
Best Nutrient choices for Eczema
Citrus fruits, kiwi fruit, sprouted seeds, black currants, tomatoes and
Wheat germ oil, nuts and seeds, fish, eggs, avocados, green vegetables.
Oysters, fish, liver, brewers yeast, eggs, whole grains, pumpkin seeds,
Red & yellow onions, shallots, and apples.
Oily fish, nuts and seeds.
Natural bio-yoghurt.
As always the message is to reduce white sugars and animal fats , avoid chemicals and any thing that can trigger your Eczema. Together with good nutrient choices, stress relieving tactics and plenty of moisturizing in turn can help to reduce your Eczema.